Hi Everyone -- I am a brand new Lexus ES 350 owner. I bought the car for the looks, performance, comfort, and Nav System. The Nav System was demonstrated pre-sale with enough "confusion" so it was not apparent that the system does virtually nothing unless the car is stopped. I am so annoyed I too am ready to sell the car or at a minimum request a rebate for the full purchase price of the Nav System from the dealership.
HOWEVER, I would MUCH prefer a solution so that I can (as a passenger) use the full set of Nav functions including Local POI Lists and Destination spec while driving.
Just think of normal day to day activity. Get in car, start and drive onto local community road. OK, where do we want to go. Oh, right, the kid's new home. Let's see, I have that registered as a Memory Point. and then I realize I can do no more. AAARRRGGGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can ANYone help?