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  1. Hi UCF 3, Could you clarify about the Old drivers? My English doesn't allow me to understand all of the nuances of the language. BTW, what kind of trouble do you have? Thank you Adam
  2. ThaNK YOU FOR THE INTEREST Reasones to look for it: 1. anyone thinking about self service/maintenance should have it 2. if I am looking for it it means i do not to want spent 70$/hr at the Lexus. 3. Tons of the stuff is easy to do yourself, especially when the instructions or just the order of removal/reinstallation is given. So, I think, since I am a first generation Canadian spending 50 our backs after taxes, S&H etc would be enough. I am patient I do not to need to have it now. The car is perfect and looking for the manual just suits my habit of heaving refrence to look the things up. Thank you again A.
  3. :roll: Hi, Thank you for the suggestions. I think the price I was quoted is beyond my expectations. I will rather look elswere.. Thank you again Adam
  4. Hello, I am a new member. I theink I may need a repair manual for my 93 LS 400. Is there a good place to get it? Thank you. Adam
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