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Everything posted by amandab

  1. yes i still have the stock amp and nakamichi sub still in there but i went to this place called audio midwest and they did all the wiring for me and all i did was plug in the rockford amp and sub and it bangs.........i dont have a box tho for the sub so i took it out until i can find a bigger box but ya...it is possible.......i asked someone about wat you said and they have never hurd of having to do all of that...its not hard....just gotta make sure you run the wires to your head unit and thats basically it..... o i get wat you were saying....that you couldnt hook TWO amps up to the stock head unit....and what did you understand that you would have to do to get a sub and amo in there?
  2. yes i still have the stock amp and nakamichi sub still in there but i went to this place called audio midwest and they did all the wiring for me and all i did was plug in the rockford amp and sub and it bangs.........i dont have a box tho for the sub so i took it out until i can find a bigger box but ya...it is possible.......i asked someone about wat you said and they have never hurd of having to do all of that...its not hard....just gotta make sure you run the wires to your head unit and thats basically it.....
  3. could you give me a reason why though.....they just ran wires through my car up to the stock head unit and ran it back to the back of my car through my trunk and i have the amp and sub hooked up....why did you think it wouldnt work... could you give me a reason why though.....they just ran wires through my car up to the stock head unit and ran it back to the back of my car through my trunk and i have the amp and sub hooked up....why did you think it wouldnt work... and also i do still have the stock head unit in the car........
  4. ok i bought one of those cd cleaner things thing that you run in you changer and it cleans the lens....and it eliminated most of the skipping but i am not sure if yall understand what i mean by amp and subwoofer...i am not replacing any of the factory parts especially now that i dont have as much skipping...i am wanting to ADD a amp and sub to my car.......i have a 12" sub and a amp to go in the trunk.......i am going to take it to an audio store around where i live and get them to run the wires then i am going to pretty much plug and play the amp and sub....they are both rockford fosgate and they will sound great but the only thing is the sub came with a tiny tiny box and i am wanting a bigger one...i saw on ebay the one that goes in the trunk and is actually a custom box 4 lexus but i guess it is not avail anymore...please let me know if anyone has any ideas....
  5. can anyone tell me what would be the best navigation system to get for my 95 sc300? i lhave been looking at the tomtoms but they are just a little to expensive for my taste......anyone know of one that is ease to install around 2-300 dollars.????
  6. ok so say i wanted to go out and purchase a kenwood or alpine subwoofer and amp...that would work right if i hooked it up in my car? because my mian prob was that i didnt want to go out and purchase a nice 10" sub and a 1200 watt amp and then the cd player skip alot so i just went and bought a cd cleaner thing that you run in your cd player and hope that will help...
  7. ok so the amp...do i already have a stock amp in the car? if so, would i need a new one? i am guessing the sc3 and 400 have diff size subs right my boyfriend has a sc4 and his has way more base and pounds harder and mines 95 his is 92 so i am figuring i must have a 8 maybe and he has 10? i dont know im just guessing around that. So i know that i need something new back there whether it be the changer or the unit...i dont know how to tell...also i just want more power to the system so i am wanting to upgrade.....all the things you have are the factory right? so the only way they would make mine sound better is if mine was worn out or busted right? and i know they arent blown..
  8. I have a 95 sc300 and like alot of other people with them I have problems with my cd player skipping. even if i hit a little PEBBLE in the road...and its getting worse. I wanted to have a amp and sub put in but i have a feeling i should wait to have that fixed first but after reading you guys on here and also what the lexus dealership said itll be around 500 dollars. I dont know what to do...anyone have a sub and amp in their lexus? that also has the problem like me? I am wondering if it will make it worse and also when i have the cd player on and i turn the car off, when i turn it back on the cd payer will not play...i have to switch it to radio and then back...also sometimes i have to push the cd button 3 times before it switches back. any suggestions?
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