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Posts posted by loco1216

  1. Hey Mike, Check you warranty book or call the dealer and see if it's covered! It could be considerd abuse if you listen to music loud with lots bass and up all the way. It's really a judgement matter and what your warranty will cover! Thanks

    Impossible the ML does not provide enough bass to do such damage

  2. After listining to my ML sound system in the es330 for more than 2 weeks, I am willing to bet that sound system that came in my 1993 Camry XLE V6 sounds better, provide better tunes than the ML sound system found in my new es330.. Does anyone has any idea why something like this will happen. Not modification of any kind has been made to the 1993 camry.

    thank you for any help. I am just puzle by it. specially after paying for an ugrade that only is available with the navigastion system. :o

    am I missing something?

  3. Trust me, the dealership hardly has the be all knowledge on detailing. In fact I dont let the dealership touch my car, took me weeks to buff out all the damage they did when they detailed it before I took delivery. I've seen and heard FAR too many dealership detailing horror stories.


    I'll pick up my es330 next saturday, should I ask then not to touch it in or outside? Can you give me any addtional advice. Mine is Crystal White. Does is make any diferrent?

    Thx you

  4. Mine: Puchased on 4/93 V6XLE CAMRY as of today 430,783 miles with the same engine. Rebuilt Trans. at 280,459. REplaced water punp 2 times. powersterring punp 1 time when it had 90,000 mile. Changed oil every 7500 miles. Any better and would hate it. and i would not sell it. Next will pick up ES330 on 12/16/03. :cheers:

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