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    2002 ES300

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  1. Im trying to install philips ultinon D2R bulbs in my 2002 ES300 low beams. I got the stock bulbs out, but now i cant get the clip to snap back on. I dont know how it goes and i cant see behind the light. Would it be easier to just remove the head light it self? or just use my hands behind it. and if it is easier to remove the headlight how do you get to the 4th bolt in the fender well area? Thanks
  2. the film might possibly be what holds the windshield together in the event of a crash. windshields are shatter resistant, and in the event of a crash they get cracked but they stay in one solid piece to prevent shattered glass from going everywhere
  3. I have this, they are 8000k bulbs, but i want to use 6000k Philips Ultinon bulbs. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...TRK%3AMEWN%3AIT
  4. yeah, I can't figure this one out. Manufacturers tell you not to turn HIDs on and off quickly and freguently, yet they engineer them to light up when you use the "flash to pass" function. go figure. steivej Do you mean they work fine or do you mean im going to mess up my ballasts flashing the bulbs? Sorry im still a youngster lol
  5. Sorry about all these topics with HID's, im just very indecisive. But i was wondering i have a Vertex 8000k conversion kit for my high beams (9005) in my 2002 ES300. Now i was wondering. I know how everyone told me dont buy korean brands they are not good go with a good trusted brand like Philips. Now say i was to get a name brand bulb like a Philips does it matter that i still have a korean ballast. Cause everyone says Korean brands are unreliable. But if i use the Philips bulbs with my korean ballast should i be fine? Or do i have to lay out the $400 for a whole new Philips conversion kit with Philips bulbs and Philips Ballasts? choice A just upgrade to these bulbs: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-Philips...sspagenameZWD1V Choice B upgrade bulbs and ballasts: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PHILIPS-HID...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. Sorry about that, im new on the forums, i wans't sure where to place it. I just want it to be seen though so more people post.
  7. I was looking through the forums and I see theres a topic for talking about your cars mods but no1 has really posted since 2005. So i figured i would start a new dicussion. Please post pictures and descriptions of your ES300's/ ES330's.
  8. I leave the lights on automatic with the day time running light power on. But i do not have day time running lights there is not enough power from the DRL's to power up the ballasts. I dont really mind them not being on. Also it doesnt take that long fro them to power up, when i pull the high beam lever towards me to flash someone (let them know they can go) they instantly light up, they don't warm up right away but they still instantly give off light.
  9. Do you think it is worth me buying these from this person for that price or when you separate the base the connection can be faulty?
  10. I have ballasts connected to my high beam (9005) i want to upgrade to philips ultinon 6000k bulbs but they do not make them for 9005. But i looked on ebay someone is selling the Philips ultinon bulb replaced. How do you think it will work vs. a korean brand HID bulb. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-Philips...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. Does anyone know where to get the clear sidemarkers for the 2002-2005 because ive seen it in pictures but i dont know if its a custom mod or there are aftermarket lights.
  12. I didnt not replace my low beams. I replaced my high beams. They are 9005 by vertex HID. I looked on ebay for replacement bulbs. I' m looking for 6000k from a reputable brand, to replace my current 8000k Vertex HID highbeams, but Philips doesnt make any 9005. I decided that im going to upgrade my low beam D2R to the Philips Ultinon 6000k bulbs for $199.
  13. Steve in your opinion was it a waste for me. Right now i have stock low beams but 8000k high beams. Now was it a waste to do that upgrade? I thought that HID is 3x brighter than my regular stock highbeams. I know it varies in brightness from 4300-8000k but is it brighter than stock? I feel like i wasted my money now
  14. StevieJ how do you like the PIAA Super cobalt HID's, are they better than stock? I was looking into buying those but i could get 8000k or 6000k from ebay for like 160 bucks. Is it worth it to use PIAA? Thanks
  15. They may be dimmer but i personally think the blue looks better. I have 8000k in my high beams. Now i want my low beams to match with 8000k.
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