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Everything posted by babylexus92

  1. I think he is right, my car had the same noise and it was a warped rotor, so tell them to check in that area.
  2. By the way, I am a woman and I need some help guys, I heard this was a good forum and this is my first post. Look forward to hearing from you guys
  3. Ok, here’s the deal I got a 92 LS 400 from my dad in pretty bad condition but we are finally getting it cleaned up. The first problem I have is: There is a smell in air conditioning of the car, apparently someone left some food in the car for an extended about of time in the summer. I got the smell out of the car itself but when I turn on the AC I can smell it again. How can I get that out? The lights where the temperature reading is, is out. How do I get that fixed? HELP ANYONE! :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries: :cries:
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