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Everything posted by BCON

  1. My Lexus dealer removes the stock wheels from brand new cars and has them chromed in some shop near L.A. The chrome on my LX wheels was all pitted after less than two years (on a garaged car driven in Southern California, imagine a salty winter in Boston!) The dealer recently swapped a new set of chrome wheels for me at no charge. I was very happy until they also began to pit in a couple of months. I suppose this is fine for a throw-away short lease, but I was planning to keep the LX for a while. My advise to you readers is to stick with factory paint if you want Toyota-Lexus quality.
  2. Its been a while now, but I had the last year of the LX450. When it was still under warentee, a dealer (Lexus Carlsbad, CA) replaced the tires and shocks with aftermarket units at NO COST!!! As you mention, it made a "night and day" difference in ride and control.
  3. Well, I was driving a 25' Penske truck cross country towing my LX470 on a flat-bed trailer. I was trying to stop as little as possible to make good time. Somewhere in West Texas, I pulled into a town with both of its gas stations out-of-business, kind of a ghost town I guess. Knowing I was beyond the point of no return, I went on, hoping for the best, but running out of gas with the rig. No problem, I had all my garage stuff packed into the back of the moving truck. Garden hose cut, random container found and emptied, I determined after some time that the siphoning was just not going to happen. Strange thing, my Verizon call-anywhere-in-the-US plan works anywhere except West Texas, where they demand a credit card number to connect. Two 15 dollar, one minute calls confirmed that I was not going to get help anytime soon, so I ended up unloading the LX470 and driving it to the closest gas station to pick up a container of gas. I'd recommend you to do the same thing for your lawnmower.
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