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Everything posted by ScottRX300

  1. My 2002 RX300 has 61,000 miles on it. Most of my dirving is highway/freeway. Yet, I've been through two sets of factory front brake rotors. The first set warped while the car was under warranty, and after enough complaining the dealer gave me a new set of rotors. Now the car is out of warranty, I have have to foot the bill for a new set of rotors. My car was built in 6/02. Can anyone recommend a good AFTERMARKET front rotor that will fit my car? Part numbers would be appreciated. I'm done with the lousy OEM rotors. Thanks in advance.
  2. Same driving. Combination of freeway and surface streets. Low mileage has persisted now through about six tanks of gas, so it's not a transitory problem. I'll ask around re Linux. I have a few friends in the IT world. Thanks.
  3. I have a 2002 RX 300. Since I've owned it, I've gotten 20 mpg (+/-). Recently, the gas mileage suddenly plummeted to about 16 mpg. It wasn't a gradual drop-off -- one tankful I got 20 mpg, and the next 16 mpg. I'm thinking I've got a bad O2 sensor. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks for your help.
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