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Everything posted by JudyBarbara

  1. You might not be doing anything wrong. Do you know if they did the proceedure in TSIB EG010-05? ← My battery has never died, so I'm sure TSIB EG010-05 has never been performed.
  2. i have a 400h with almost 3000miles. i've just returned from the dealer, where i had the car checked to see if there was a problem with a setting or something, because i've never had better than 24mpg, and it's been decreasing in mpg the longer i've been driving the car. i live in illinois - quite flat - and i try to drive smoothly, without accelerating or braking quickly. A friend with a prius has given me some tips, but i'm pretty frustrated. i can't imagine what i'm doing wrong to post such poor mileage, but i feel i was taken. Any advice? i drove an rx300 before, and my husband drives an LS400 and gets the same mpg i do.
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