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Thechondo last won the day on October 11 2023

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  1. According to Broc's post above, the axle flanges are larger on the units with LSD, though specific numbers aren't provided. I can measure the flanges when I get home, I just picked up 3 more LSD's last weekend 😁 So if you have a torsen LSD diff, you need to replace it with one, or replace the associated parts as well if you're switching to non-LSD. If you don't have LSD, you're fine to swap with another non-LSD A dealer should be able to tell you what you have based on your vin. Or you can pop the drain plug and stick a bore scope up there, there are cheap ones available nowadays. If you end up needing an LSD diff, or want to upgrade to one, send me a message, I have found over 15 now
  2. I should add, I can pull the axles and hubs too, but that will obviously cost more, available upon request
  3. Shipping to Canada is more expensive, but I've sent two, sending one Monday actually. For Canada, I charge $500 shipped. This includes the differential with ring gear, and stub axles. The bearings remain installed, and I also throw in the races and shims just because. This does not include the housing. I am currently out of stock, but I've sold about 10 now. I found one today, first try again. If you're interested, shoot me a message and I'll hit the yard next weekend.
  4. The O2A vs 04A, and the TU vs SU method of identifying models that had the LSD, is totally false. In the past month, I have found 6 RX300's with the LSD. All of them had 02A on the sticker, and all of them had SU on the diff cover. This has been in northern California Pulling the drain plug and using a bore scope is definitely the easy way to confirm without pulling the diff. And on that note I still have two for sale 😁
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