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  1. I feel like an idiot, but I just posted a similar post last night after not being able to find this post. I found the same thing, but instead of it being the vent (defrost/floor) servo, it was the servo below it - apparently the air inlet switch. I'll try the cleaning - I think it is the same servo with just a different arm anyway.
  2. I took apart half my car this morning, and I believe it is the air conditioning air inlet servomotor. I located it twitching, so I assume the problem is with the servo itself and not with the control. does anyone know a good place to get a decent price on lexus parts? -Thanks
  3. I think I have come to the right place. I have a strange, irregular clicking noise coming from under my glovebox on the underside of the dash, directly below the cd-changer. I initially thought it was the changer, but on further inspection, I realized that it is actually below the glovebox. When I place my hand on it, I can actually feel the moving. I also thought it might be a critter of some sort, but it has persisted for several weeks now. It occurs once the car has electrical (when I turn the key to power on) It remains even when the engine, A/C, and stereo are all off. It definately sounds mechanical, but I have no idea what is located there. Does anyone have any ideas, your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks alot
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