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Everything posted by spider13

  1. Thanks. i'll try that. maybe it is done from underneath. i havn't lifted the car up yet and looked at it from the botton, but it seemed that the filter was being blocked from underneath. thanks for the tip about the brake cleaner.
  2. time for my first oil change on my 03 gs300 that i recently bought and i see that the oil filter needs to be reached from the top of the engine and not underneath. it's doesnt look too hard to reach but i'm wondering if there will be any oil spilling once i unscrew it? it's on an angle facing up but is that enough to prevent any spilling? if not, what's the best way to change it and keep it clean? any advice would be appreciated. thanks
  3. it does look much better without it. but i'm forced to because i've gotten 2 tickets so for for that since i got the car (2 weeks ago) while parked outside the house. i didnt think they were that strict about it in CA, but apparantly they are.
  4. just got an '03 lexus gs 300 but it did not have a front license plate frame on it. does anyone know how to mount one? is this something that can be clipped on or will it need to drilled into the bumper? also where would be the best place to get one? thanks.
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