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Posts posted by DeanWeen

  1. On 1/19/2005 at 4:48 AM, jzz30 said:

    well what your probably need to do is get dual filament bulbs and sockets that fit the housing and just splice in the the night lights and brake light wires.

    I think you're thinking in the right direction but I'm thinking the difference in the resistance would possibly cause a malfunction in the lighting (less likely) but almost certain that you'd get a tail light warning light glowing in the instrument panel.. 

    The 95 and 6 lights have seven bulbs and that's where I'm sitting currently. I have a 96 with 7 bulb harness but I'm trying to find a unique mod for the 92 tails, which I prefer, so I've 3d printed adapters to fit the different sized bulbs in the slots they should go in order to illuminate when and where I feel will look and function best.. this leaves me with one stray bulb so it's final location will be unique because I'm going to cut or mold a new spot into the 92 back OR fit the 96 back onto my 92 lenses..


    The saddest part is that I can't turn these into clears because the whole outer lens casing of the lights is molded of colored plastic unlike the 96s I have which as I've found have only the inserts that provide them with the intended red or amber coloring.. in a perfect world where I had nothing but time and money I would buy or even better put together my own set of unique LED lights but the idea of taking these apart again to replace a couple of burned out LEDs is enough to almost totally deter me from persuing the idea.. unless someone wants to point me towards a brand of led that is never to fail AND give me the rundown on how many LEDs to string along with what size resistors etc in order for them to work correctly.. SOOO.         CALLING ALL LED GURU'S.               if you can put together a good plan of what will work I will print out fitments for the LEDs that we can then fit into the tail lights and I will make you a set of inserts matching mine or even with a different pattern to your liking leaving only for you to put in and solder the LEDs themselves.. sounds like a win win win to me! Who's up for it!??!?






  2. Sorry to bump an old subject but this is a great idea i've been thinking about for a long time.. Does anyone know of a newer tablet that will fit this space? Also I was wondering if anyone had reached out to the company that does the screens for the climate control to see if they might sell the programming that runs the AC? Hell I don't even know if that is a possibility. I just would like to try and fill this space completely with one screen (similar to the Tesla) and this would be the only option I can come up with.. If anyone else has an idea I'm open to suggestion!Sorry to bump an old subject but this is a great idea i've been thinking about for a long time.. Does anyone know of a newer tablet that will fit this space? Also I was wondering if anyone had reached out to the company that does the screens for the climate control to see if they might sell the programming that runs the AC? Hell I don't even know if that is a possibility. I just would like to try and fill this space completely with one screen (similar to the Tesla) and this would be the only option I can come up with.. If anyone else has an idea I'm open to suggestion!

  3. Been having issues with my 2JZGE motor. Started yesterday. In the last 2 months I've replaced timing belt, water pump, intake manifold gasket. Spark plugs. 3 of the 6 plug wires are currently brand new (lol.. starres the job at work thinking it was going to be easier than I thought then realized I didn't have all the tools or time to finish, will finish today) new distributor, new O2 sensors. Actually went junk yard shipping yesterday looking for some interior parts, seats etc... She was running great all morning. Let it run trying to diagnose a tiny vacuum leak I can hear near the Y plenum. Drove home ran grear.. took ito later to meet with realtor to look at some houses. Got to first house car still in good shape. Took it for second house and my girl was driving. She got down on it to pull out onto highway access road, but not hard she isn't a "romper" by any means.. the car started bucking and sputteribs it might have even backfired a couple times. Not certain it all happened it if the blue and my main concern was getting her to get it out of oncoming traffic. Pull over to shoulder and it perks up. So we continue to the second house. (They had me really confused because it isn't done that since I fixed the distributor two weeks ago.)

    Leave second house to look at third house. Starts fine. Get out on access road again and ask is well until the first stop light and it stalls and dies. Turn key and it didn't want to fire up, eventually did after maybe 5 tries but only ten for 5 seconds or so and dies again) try a few more times and It tries to  catvh but never starteded all the way. (Seems like a fuel issue at the moment) plenty of gas though, at least half a tank... Get it to side of road. Walk down the hill to the Wendy's (after repeatedly trying to start it to no avail) didn't want to run battery down in case it might start in a little while. (Just had a sneaking suspicion).. 30 minutes later my friend arrived and I just hand him the keys "go try it and tell me what YOU think" I see him get in.. back it up and pull up to the light.. pull it around to the Wendy's parking lot and leaves it running. So I have him follow me home. Once on the way it pulled away from a light and kinda felt like it was trying to stall again but never died. Got home let it run for half an hour never mussed a beat.. running great again. Later I tried to jump off my Maxima with the GS300 and it was 100 drgresd and dark and i saw my girl fanning herself so I told her to turn on the gs's ac. Shortly after that when I would put a load on the battery by trying to start the other car and it stsrted acting up again. Stalling and dying. 

    Please I'm going to breakfast and to deposit a check and then I'm going to just invest in a fuel pump. Please please if you think you know the answer please respond. Thanks..

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