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  • Lexus Model
    LX 470
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    Washington (WA)

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  1. I thought I was the only one in the dark with this key ignition problems. I was at the rooftop parking garage at Century Link when the key ignition broke. Tried over and over encase something not catching but dead on water. I was helpless on Sunday evening during the Sounders game when my key ignition died. The SUV stuck up there for three days. Luckily didn't have to pay for the parking fee. Aside from broken key ignition, also problem with tow truck. No tow truck can get in into the garage due to height limitation at 6'-8"(ridiculous height). I called Lexus and they weren't able to help which is unfortunate. I called lock smith and couldn't get help except one. Sound very knowledgeable because I thought we were on the same page. I looked on Youtube and saw the problems before we spoke. He told me that is the key cylinder problems. Ok sound about right. I had him order the parts. We met at the parking garage and started to dismantle until he finally got to the piece and discovered that the cylinder was not the problem. It was the piece of ignition rod with the broken tip(about an inch long) towards the bottom and could not get the broben piece out from the bottom. Then the locksmith said, you need to bring your SUV to the shop and just smile at him. I paid $150 for the cylinder part for nothing. Then got a called from a friend who own an auto bodyshop and ask whats the problem with car. Key ignition rod broke and I have an issue with tow truck. He refered me to this tow truck co. that has a lowered tow truck. Got it towed for another $150. Down to $300. Money pouring down the drain like there is no tomorrow. Finally, my friend got to look at it, order the parts for wholesale plus three percent on top plus $100 on labor. Overall cost $620. Running smooth again. So now, I made a call to Lexus and confirm if key ignition rod is a defect due to poor design. Hope to hear from them and if you wish to call this is their number 1-800-255-3987. Best wishes to all Lexus owners. GO LEXUS GO HAWKS....
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