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  1. Guys, Hello, i have removed my interior door panel on my Lexus ES-300 (Front door driver side).. the reason i have done it , because when i try to lock / unlock my car, all doors are fine, / as they lock and unlock, (open and close), but the driver front door does not open up. when i opened up the door interior / in the inside / the metal rod came out and it is twisted or / looks like it is possibly bent. I am not sure how to access the door locking mechanism inside the door. Please help, i am wondering if you might possibly have any pictures or link /s to a manual for Lexus ES-300 - MADE /sold in 1995?? Read more: http://www.clublexus.com/forums/es-1st-to-4th-gen-1990-2006/157186-removing-door-panel-on-98-a.html#ixzz3hMaJ0NDZ
  2. hello, i have the same problem but not sure what to do. could you please explain, when you say : "try to access the non-functioning switches....or clean the contacts.....what is it excactly do you mean? please reply to ; otartako at myune.edu.au
  3. HELLO GUYS, COULD YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN, WHAT YOU MEANT BY " If you like wrenching, why don't you try accessing the non functioning switch or switches, and just clean the contacts and reseat them?" I HAVE the same problem. not sure what to do. please reply to: otartako at myune.edu.au
  4. Hello People, please help....... a small button on my ES-300 Lexus keys opens 3 doors, but the front driver door. So, the driver side door remains closed. normally it would always get unlocked automatically as soon as i press a small button on my key, but now it does not work,. Now, I have to get in and open the door from the inside. On the same door, the window somehow became loose and trembling. The door does not shut properly. I think it might be the lock motor. The window itself looks pretty weak and does not let the door to close properly. so I need to use extra force. it just happened recently. Do you think the lock motor or the fuse is the problem? please reply to otartako at myune.edu.au P.S. - WHAT does fuse 36 stand for ? do i need to try to replace it ?
  5. Hello People, please help....... my window on a driver side is shaking....not closing properly, trembling ..... which is kind of a minor problem (a hitch).... yet, a real problem in fact is when I try to unlock doors. : I have a small button on my ES-300 keys, (which I use to open the car). When I press this button, all doors of the car would be unlocked automatically, except the right side / driver side door (I have to get in and open it from the inside). I think it might be the lock motor. The window itself looks pretty weak and does not let the door to close properly. so I need to use extra force. it just happened recently. Do you think the lock motor or the fuse is the problem? please reply to otartako at myune.edu.au P.S. - WHAT does fuse 36 stand for ? do i need to try to replace it ?
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