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Posts posted by maxed_out

  1. Hey good luck. I did mine a couple years ago and it needed to be flushed too. I had to put in new oil compatible with 134a,new o rings, and a different drier (also compatible with 134a) . I read about the procedure online for a few days before and If I had the link I would have posted it for yah. You might want to try a search for the specific procedure before jumping.

    I also took the compressor out and had an a/c shop go over it. They fixed a leak by rebuilding it. Found the leak because of all the oil drooling off compressor.

    All turned out well...I'm no a/c pro but I'm pretty happy with the results...been a couple years and no problems and if I need a can I can of juice I can find one pretty easily.

    I've since heard stories about folks doing a lot less than I went through and they swear by there results.

    I also learned on this forum that you can get r12 on ebay. I had no idea.

    Let us know how it goes!

  2. Econ.... we are on the same page. I would say that the 134 does not cool as well but you really can't notice it. Some days its gets really cold and I have to turn the ac off. As I recall I had to replace the drier and clean out the old oil from the system. I recharged with the proper type and amount of oil and 134....and have not had any troubles over 3yrs.

    Oh yeah I think I had to change O rings too.

    I dont remember where I got the procedure to convert but it was on the internet somewhere and straight forward.

    Hope this helps somebody.

  3. I didnt think you can get R12 anymore in a can? Its been outlawed because of the supposed hole it has created in the ozone layer.

    I converted my 91LS over to 134. A bit of a project but it can be done. The nice thing is that the 134 is only 5 bucks a can at Walmart.

  4. Man at this point it could be anything. Theres a couple other threads like this.

    Make sure your alt is charging. Weak battery and no charge can do this.

    If thats ok make sure your igition is ok, plugs, wires, caps etc. Do you have spark on all 8 cylinders? Broken of frayed wire? Pinched?

    If thats ok consider something on the fuel side, fuel pump, fuel pressure, throttle posion sensor etc.

    Check some of this and post details.

  5. hey 914lps. If it was me and time was short, I'd use seafoam. Use the Spray can to do the TB-like the day before. hey if you got no time I understand.... Theres nothing like cleaning the tb with it off.

    Use the seafoam liquid before you go.... Get down to about a 1/4 tank o gas and add 1/2 can of seafoam to gas tank. Add the other half to the crankcase. Drive. See if you notice anything like I did.

    Theres pretty good directions on-line for the seafoam. There's a couple variations on applications. My 91 lex never ran better. My 90 Camry with 270k is doing 32 mpg because of the stuff.

  6. I always wonder if someone bought Microsoft stock instead of spending on LS 400 in 1991 what would it be worth? I didnt buy the 91 then (its used) but I have the orig sticker and its shocking because it had every option and came in around $60k. The costs for the Nakamichi and Air Susp blow your mind.

    Anybody know how much that 60K in 1991 in Microssoft is worth in Microsoft today?


  7. Just bumping. With over 700 active readers we have to do better than 30 replies. C'mon what do the rest of you got?

    Just bought a 1995 SR5 with 105K and from all I read the 22re thats inside is good for 500k.


  8. davidk, You have to start eliminating possibilites. We'll try to help you.

    Replacing plugs and wires is good first one. Use the good stuff.

    Fuel is another possibility: Fuel filter, fuel pressure etc. Note, I have seen water in the tank do exactly the same as you describe. Water is becoming a big problem caused by ethanol in fuels because in sucks water out the air. It ususally can mix with the fuel but sometimes over time you get too much and water sits in the bottom of the tank. Slower speeds means the mass can go accross the fuel pick and it gets sucked in.

    Is your tank properly vented via the gas cap? The gas cap can be checked at a shop. Again a problem here can caused whats called pressure lock under certain conditions.

    Start eliminating stuff and we'll help you through.

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