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Posts posted by CUTiger80

  1. Paul,

    Thanks for your response and suggestions.

    Actually my daughter bought the car used (with a little help from us), but I am still the mechanic until I can marry her off to someone who can take on that role.

    I will take a look at it closer when she gets home next weekend, but I'm puzzled how I would force water down the tubes without getting it all inside the car. (I assume that the sunroof has to be open to get to the tubes from the top side.) It also would seem that I would make another wet mess inside the car if the water didn't break the blockage loose.

    Wondering if I could use compressed air instead?

    I have also heard that the sunroof needs to be reset (or re-synced) when the battery is replaced. The dealer (not Lexus) replaced the battery right before she picked it up. It has been leaking pretty much since she got the car. Wondering if this could be the problem?

    Thanks again for your help and input.

  2. Hey guys, I'm new to the forum, so give me some gentle guidance if I deviate from protocol.

    My daughter has an 06 RX330 that she loves except that it has a water leak when it rains hard or for extended periods of time. It doesn't seem to make a difference whether the car is driven or sitting in the driveway. The water shows up in the passenger side rear foot well. She lives about 2-1/2 hours away so I haven't had an extensive amount of time to troubleshoot the source. I have determined that if she keeps a towel stuffed to the right side of the rear seat between the seat and the body (just a small gap) it keeps the water from running down into the foot well. After a heavy rain, the towel is soaked and she has to remember to change it out or it will wick through the carpet and end up in the foot well.

    She is coming home for the weekend in a couple of weeks and I would like to have some suggestions from you experts on things I may check out to determine the source of the water.

    Thanks in advance for your help!!

    Posted 04 January 2011 - 05:21 PM

    " They usually terminate in the wheel wells,
    although sometimes depending on vehicle make, the fronts can terminate
    in the channel below the front windshield. They tend to plug up either
    with debris from the sunroof drain channels (leaves etc), or from crap
    flying up into the wheel well plugging the end of the drain. I don't
    know for sure where they terminate in the RX ."

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