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Everything posted by pbishop99

  1. Thank you, Paul and Jim, for your helpful replies. Paul, I can't find any link or button on lexus.com for "technical". Maybe I'm overlooking it. For TIS.com, since there is a charge, I'll ask the CDC at the local dealer to use it if necessary. Jim, great information and detail. I'm still asking the local dealer to find out why I get inconsistent behavior from BT Audio. You have given me some ideas if Lexus can't/won't eventually provide a permanent solution. Paul is right about my technical background: these devices all work from instructions. If it works as expected sometimes, but other times not, then an instruction was either missing, not sent, not received, or not understood. If I or the CDC at Lexus can hook up with a BT expert, then maybe we can figure out if the instruction that isn't working is because of my car or because of my phone. In the meantime, maybe someone else will post a solution. I certainly will post the solution if I get one. I will definitely look into DockNDrive so I can at least more easily view my favorite traffic app more safely! Thanks again!
  2. Hi, I use Android on a Samsung 4S. I have a navigation system. When I go to the BT Audio screen, the last track I listened to is visible along with the minutes and seconds count. When I use the joystick to press play, there is no response. Lexus dealer says the audio application on the phone must be the last application I used before getting into the car, but the other day, the last app I used was not the audio app, and yet the BT audio started playing with no intervention from me! Other times the audio app IS the last app I used, but the BT Audio play button is unresponsive. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, I must unlock my phone, and press Play on the app. This is the work-around. Very inconvenient because if I'm in traffic, I have to wait for a red light to do this safely. I think it's a bug with the Bluetooth audio in the car, but so far Lexus doesn't believe me, especially when it's so hard to replicate in front of them. Any suggestions are appreciated!
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