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Everything posted by Ellen

  1. I powered down my phone and now it's working again. Thank you so much 😊
  2. To answer your questions, my Iphone6S has worked for the entire year I have owned it. Began happening the other day. My husbands iPhone6 works just fine. i have disconnected my phone and deleted it from the system and reconnected with the same result. my car has a nav system.
  3. All of a sudden, my phone connection is in and out. When I dial a number, even the ringing is intermittent. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the phone with no success.
  4. I recently bought a new cabin filter to install in my car. The old filter had an arrow on it that said "UP" and that's the way it was installed. My new filter has an arrow on it and it says "AIR FLOW" . Should the arrow be pointing up or down, in other words, which way does the air flow go? Thanks you
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