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Status Replies posted by mematney

  1. I have a problem with my speedometer on my '91 LS400. I've noticed lately people seem to be driving slower than speed limit. Then I got a ticket for speeding on a 10 hour drive. That got me to thinking and I checked my speed with an app on my phone. I am actually going 70mph when the speedometer says 55. 

    Odometer works correctly and cruise control works fine. I did not have any new code. I have had code 25 off and on. 

    Do I have a speed sensor problem?

    1. mematney


      Ok I don't believe it is the sensor now. From other things I have read I think the needle needs to be adjusted/calibrated. When I am stopped the needle is below the 0. As I drive my phone speedometer shows 11 mph when my needle hits 0. 

      Now I just need to find the post that tells how to fix it.

      thanks for listening.

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