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  1. Anyone who wants some info can Google a thread called ARX & Aluminum Engines, the owner of auto-rx has known for 10 years that his product does not clean up Varnish and other contaniments from Aluminum Engines, he has done nothing to change his SNAKEOIL PRODUCT. You can also GOOGLE a thread called Mobil 1 better cleaner than AutoRx. You can forget about this product cleaning up any kind of sludge, there was a guy on a BMW forum who went through 9 bottles of auto-rx over 45,000 miles and the product did nothing. There is also a thread called 3 ARX cycles didn't do much bummer.. The owner of auto-rx claimed the guy used the wrong dino oil, anytime arx has not worked the arx people say that the customer did something wrong. This product was kicked off BITOG back in January of 2009 because the owner of the board realized this product was nothing but SNAKEOIL, the only people who have ever gotten any results are the so called Paid Posters For Auto-Rx, these are the people: 1. Trajan 2. Donald 3. badtlc 4. Gary Allan 5. dnewton3 6. sprintman If your engine is dirty or you have a noisy lifter from some dirt or debris, try some Rislone or MMO with a quality oil like Mobil 1, Pennzoil Platinum, or Pennzoil Ultra. The owner of arx is a retired chemist who put a few esters together and never got his product tested by a independent lab. There are a bunch of tests on the auto-rx site, the problem here is that the results were controleed by auto-rx since free product was given to run the so called tests. dnewton3 did a test with Gary Allan and Frank Miller's help, Frank Miller is the owner of auto-rx, and Gary Allan did his so called test with free product from auto-rx. dnewton3 is on the auto-rx payroll. Auto-Rx got rid of its money back guarantee, guess everyone was asking for there money back since the product does not work. Things are so bad for this snake oil product that they changed there name from auto-rx to auto-rx plus. Thankfully since this product has been exposed as the most expensive snake oil as far as oil additives that do some cleaning this product is not being discussed on BITOG. This product is guaranteed to do one thing, and that is to take money from your wallet and then putting it in the wallet of a SNAKEOIL SALESMAN. This company is run out of a townhouse in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. If anyone reading this lives down there, look up the address of auto-rx and knock on the door. Ask whoever answers the door that you want to see the bathroom, because underneath the bathroom sink is the auto-rx warehouse.
  2. Steve

    Welcome to the Lexus forums c3po :)

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