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  1. Paul, Yes, I was referring to the Navigation DVD not functioning; my audio CD works fine. Thank you for the information; I am in Washington DC but I will at least call and see if they can assist. Are you aware if there is possibly a fuse that may disable only the "navigation" feature, still allowing the use of radio etc? A long shot...I know.....
  2. Hello All. My navigation system is not working; keeps saying CD not functioning. Getting an annoying clicking noise. I rarely use the navigation system, so it seems senseless to pay $2,500 to repair it (which is what the dealer is telling me). Is there a way to just disconnect the entire system without affecting the air radio etc? Is there a 3rd party that would be able to fix for a more reasonable price? I have checked in the local area and cannot find anyone. It seems like it should be an easy fix - pop out the failing CD and replace? Help!!
  3. Welcome to the Lexus forums currentowner :)

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