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  1. Don't ever give up. If you want it bad enough it will be yours. http://t.co/WEFwZMLWYI

  2. Sometimes I wonder why? Why ?...

  3. So someone told me today but that's bad its in the bible it goes against God and I said yes but who are we to... http://t.co/3K0NAWzCLy

  4. We all need to stand up for rights. Human rights Constitutional rights and civil rights well all rights. We allow... http://t.co/6A4lwDKOEB

  5. So today has been a day full of excitement. Border passing was easy. However our car runs out of gas(a story on... http://t.co/Qj7235uLQ7

  6. Excellent advice from a great family! http://t.co/HeWq4uNgoZ

  7. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain… http://t.co/iCXexLWhak

  8. The S&P 500 index rose 12.08 points, or 0.8 percent, to close at 1,563.77. That's less than two points from the... http://t.co/F3YfugK52n

  9. Road trip! Tomorrow the bay. Wednesday I'm going to have to call in on the board meeting because I will be on the... http://t.co/hfxPqquGLD

  10. "More precious than gold":7 The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is... http://t.co/cCw8KXaCH1

  11. You are worthy of it all — at Valley West Christian Center.

  12. Ok Madera and I'm talking to the citizens of Madera. Madera had to many murders. For a city this size one murder... http://t.co/fyXO7B4yYU

  13. Get in contract soon. Also and soon its for the life of the loan. Will increase the cost of the loan. http://t.co/bn8EvpEjrc

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