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  1. I realize this has been discussed many times but I am at wits end. I lent a friend my 2002 es300 and he managed to lose all of the keys except a non remote key I had bought when I got car and programmed myself. I still had one of the original remotes which I had put in a replacement shell after my daughter dropped and broke the original shell. I had that key cut and it worked fine without programming so I assumed it would work as a master. Or the non remote key would. And I have the wallet key with the chip in the holder. So today I go to Lexus dealer and buy new remote key (on friend who lost its dime). I want to save him the $70 to program and say I will do it myself. I have tried programming every way detailed here, with each of the 3 keys I have. No luck. And I mean probably 2 hours of trying all told. With the 5 times accelerator/6 times brake method I get car to go into programming mode but the security light will not shut off. Basically its like it goes into programming but won't recognize genuine Lexus key. The lock/unlock door turn on/off/open door method doesn't work either. Funny thing is I did successfully program the buttons to open doors and trunk. Any suggestions? Am I missing something? Friend feels bad about losing keys but I feel bad going back and having total charge be about $250.
  2. Welcome to the Lexus forums Roy510 :)

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