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Posts posted by RMP

  1. I recently purchased a 2012 RX350 with remote start. Over the week that I've owned it the remote start has initiated on 4 seperate days on its own. It happens after the car has been parked and I have exited the car. As I'm walking away from the car I hear the engine turn over. When I approach the car the doors unlock and the engine turns off which is how I know this is related to the remote start. Has this happened to anyone? Is there some cold start feature I'm not aware of that may be affecting this? If so, how do I turn off this feature? One of the 4 days I had this happen 3 times in a row. For the 2nd and 3rd time I made sure the FOB an remote start controls were in way being pressed. I have a detached garage and am concerned that this car may turn on without me k owing it when the garage doors are closed. Any help will be greatly appreciated :)

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