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Status Updates posted by MineThatData

  1. It is amazing how few measurement folks "join the conversation" when you point out what measurement folks are sub-optimizing.

  2. 2/2 Her content was based on her purchase/browsing history. She said she wanted to be inspired. I said I couldn't read her mind!

  3. Dear Catalog CEOs: One-To-One CRM and Chicos http://t.co/oXyczNZ7

  4. If you want to see how I communicated back in 1990, give this a read! http://t.co/d6TN42DX

  5. Not an easy question to answer. Most popular analyst on Twitter may do worse job than person you find hiding under a rock.

  6. Hillstrom's Personas will be announced next week, the Kindle version is available today! http://t.co/THEbUKgH

  7. Judy isn't, Jennifer may be, Jasmine is: MT @coremetrics: Your customers are connected like never before. http://t.co/tOHUXqBo

  8. Email Marketers: Sending an email with "Your Catalog Is Coming" works with Judy, not with the Jennifer/Jasmine personas as much.

  9. Wait, you mean best practices have been foiled again? RT @ramit: Hilarious split test: http://t.co/StYv72dk

  10. Chasing Fireflies and Jennifer http://t.co/HU8sLnNG

  11. And do we have any proof that a majority of customers age 50+ want to join online conversations & then increase spend with us?

  12. 3/3 This has broader implications, of course. HIgh page-view & sharable content tends to not dig deep into a niche subject.

  13. If you didn't get your 2-cents in last night, give "31 Tips for Analysts 2 Communicate w/ Executives http://t.co/twyanbvb" a look #measure

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