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Everything posted by blyguy

  1. I take my last post back. The three Christmas light came back. I finally got a hold of a ECM reader and the code is P0778 which is different. However I have the same lights up as if it were P0031. This is why I now encourage everyone to get the code reading before assuming anything.
  2. oh, by the way, 16k miles. It's in warrantee isn't it? Call the dealer.
  3. If you take it to autozone or some other auto parts store they can hook the OBD to read the code for around $5. The code most likly wont give you much info but I can help you out more if I have a problem code.
  4. This is personal experience but I have found out that if it is dead for long period of time, or you take the old battery out and don't immediately put a new battery in, it may/will erase the link with you vehicle. I hate to say this but my suggestion is to take it to the dealer and they should fix it for around $50. They say it takes them 30 minutes to program. I think that’s BS but I really don't know. I wouldn't pay more than $75 for the issue if they want more than $50. Keep searching around if they do indeed want more than $50. I will look deeper into this and if I find anything I will follow up.
  5. Thanks for the info. There is another post about this too that is older. Any way I have a 2004 GX 470 and the 3 Christmas lights came on while I was driving 75mph and heard and felt a big down shift. My overdrive was disabled. I immediately exited the highway and called Lexus dealer. They ask me if I just fueled up. In fact I did 100 miles ago. So they explained the whole gas cap issue. Other threads mentioned to look under the vehicle and tightened a hose of some sort. This is how I fixed it. Took the gas cap off and inspected it to make sure it was not damaged, then put it back on. Then I disconnected the positive lead of the car's battery (10mm) for 20 seconds and then reconnected it. Disconnecting the battery will reset the CPU. The lights went off and now I have Overdrive back. Hope this helps
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