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  • Lexus Model
    SC 430

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  1. I own a 2002 SC 430 and just experienced an unusual occurrence with the operation of the cruise control. On a recent road trip I had been using the C/C whenever the opportunity arose. Without warning, upon pressing the on/off button, the cruise light indicator started to flash intermittently (1 to 2 second intervals)and the C/C became non operational. For the remainder of the trip that day, every time I tried to activate the C/C, it started to flash intermittently and would not engage when attempting to set it on a specific speed. At that time I just came to the conclusion that my C/C equipment had packed up and I was in store for an expensive repair. To my surprise the following morning when out on the road again, I tried the C/C, the cruise light went solid and engaged without a problem. It worked normally for the remainder of the trip. Is this a case of one final burst of energy before the C/C dies permanently? I would appreciate hearing from any other owners that have experience a similar issue. Dennis from British Columbia
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