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  1. kfirsch: Are you notified with a ring when there's an incoming call? That seems to be a problem for some people. Thanks, Sstrich.
  2. Did you ever get this problem resolved? I'm thinking of getting this phone, but bluetooth working well is critical for me. Thanks, SStrich
  3. DB S600 and Jarling: Thank you for your posts. Jarling....Have you actually had success with using the one touch dialing buttons? This would be an acceptable solution for me. Also, have you confirmed that while dialing the phone manually, you can still speak and listen through the car's speaker system? I have been waiting for months for this phone as the bluetooth option was the primary reason I got rid of my 2002 LS 430 for the new one. I am very disappointed in the way Lexus has set up their phone and nav systems. I should have done better research. Also wondering whether anyone out there has actually disabled the Lexus speed sensor that disables the nav/bluetooth system as described in the prior post? Thanks to all. SStrich
  4. Is there any way around the problem of not making a call with the car in motion? This seems like a major problem to me, and I'm surprised by the limited discussion here. Thanks.
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