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Everything posted by live4brew

  1. So you're saying it's pretty darn important? Great. I'm car-less! Well, you can probably drive it just don't expect it to perform 100% or last like it should. I'll have it redone. Too much work and money not to do it right.
  2. So you're saying it's pretty darn important? Great. I'm car-less!
  3. So I took new OEM strut rod bushings, along with my strut rods for my 98LS, to a mechanic today to be pressed in. I didn't know the bushings were supposed to be pressed in a certain way. When I pulled the new ones out of the wrapper, I noticed the rubber alignment knob and made a comment to the mechanic about it. He looked at the old ones and noted they were installed 90 degrees from control arm and proceeded to install. HOWEVER, when I got home, I noticed the manual said that, not only should the marks be 90 degrees, they need to be pointing down. One of the bushings is correct, one is not. Does anyone know how critical this is??
  4. This is after only two years of use. Bushings completely gone. Boots torn wide open. AND both sets (original and replacement the sent under warranty) were a B!!(# to replace!! They are just too wide to easily slide into place. A 45 minute job took 4 hours. The first time I complained about the fitment, I was told by Arnott that I was an idiot...RIGHT. I had to use far more force than should be required to get these into place. The ten year old arms I pulled out of the car were in FAR better shape than these after only two years. The old bushings and boots were fine. I WISH I had just kept the old ones on, but I foolishly threw them away. See my other post at clublex for pictures: http://www.clublexus.com/forums/ls400/621162-this-is-why-you-dont-buy-arnott-control-arms.html#post7054426
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