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  1. Well, We've been having a lot of rain lately and I've been unable to stop the leak, so I broke down and went to the dealer. Turns out, the service rep told me the drainage tubes from the moonroof were all clogged up. That was causing the leaks. They cleaned out the drains. There was also a little corrosion where there was some wiring due to water exposure so they cleaned that up and sealed it. Total cost was about $300. Thanks to you all for your comments and suggestions!
  2. I bought a 94 ES in 97 and I still have it today, I'm up to 141k miles and it runs just as well as the day I bought it. My power steering went around 120k after I was in an accident. A couple other things went and I had to put a total of 2400 into it a couple years ago but again I think that was probably due to the shock of the accident I was in...all in all, it's a great car.
  3. No, the trunk appears to be dry. The moisture is mostly in the back on the floor and under the passenger seat. My only thought is there must be a leak underneath...ever have a similar problem? Thanks...
  4. I have a 1994 ES300. After a hard rainfall, I found quite a bit of water in the back seat, but only on the floor. No water on the seat or anywhere else. The only place where there was water was on the passenger side of the car--mostly in the back. I checked the seal on the door and it looks fine. There was no water on the roof so I don't think it was the moonroof. My only thought is that it may be coming from under the car...any ideas?
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