The high beams are one kind of bulb, the low beams another kind of bulb. The two also do not 'aim' independently: the lamp housing is 'aimed' as an unit (screws inside engine room, on top of housing - screw 'in - clockwise facing the screw' to lift aim). The dealer must know the correct bulbs to install. I have replaced those bulbs (which are not very bright) with 9011s and 9012s, which cost more but have many good characteristics, incl. more brightness and long life, with same wattage.
Normally. because of the shape of the connector and the shape of the flanges on the bulbs, you cannot install the wrong bulb in the highs or low beams. Maybe something is wrong with your power supply to the bulbs?
So you replaced the high beams original 9005 to 9012s? and it fits perfectly ? can i ask what make brand did you get these?