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Everything posted by Julianne

  1. The center console beverage holder cover of my 400h is stuck in the down position. Usually opens with just a slight amount of downward pressure on the cover; however, no amount of pressure will cause it to open. Certain it has a spring loaded mechanism; however, there does not appear to be any way to gain access to determine the problem. Any ideas on how to resolve this problem?
  2. Recently I have had a problem with my ignition key not turning far enough to the right to allow the "Ready" light to come on. Does not happen every time. When this does occur it happens when I am using the key that contains a battery and has door lock and panic functions. The key feels like it hits on something solid and just won't go far enough to finish the turn on process. If I play with it, turn it on and off many times it usually will end up working. Has anyone had this problem? If so do you know what the answer is? The dealership had never heard of this happening. I don't know if it is the key or the ignition system that has a problem.
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