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  • Lexus Model
    gx 470 lx 570

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  1. I am the only one that has driven the GX. I do my own detail work and have not cleaned the seats with anything other than damp water on a rag. I complained to the Better Business Bureau and plan on taking Lexus to small claims court. Companies should not be allowed to treat customer s in this manner.
  2. I have been a long time Lexus owner. Never had occasion to need warranty service until recently. I still cannot believe what happened. I purchased a new 2009 Lexus GX470 in November 2009. Within a short period of time I noticed abnormal wear on the driver's seat. A. The driver’s seat cushion has a 6-8” area at least ½” wide where the top layer of the leather has worn through to the white under weaving of the leather. B. I brought this to the attention of the General Service Manager at Lexus of Orlando on December 28, 2009 just 7 weeks after the vehicle was purchased new. C. On the above date the odometer showed less than 2400 miles. D. I have owned three other GX 470’s that I have personally driven at least 25-30,000 miles each with no abnormal wear shown on the driver’s seat. I received a call back from the Service Manager on January 8, 2010 telling me that he had reviewed this with his District Manager. Alan Sandberg, the service manager, advised me that the Lexus District Manager considered this normal wear and tear and therefore will not be providing any warranty coverage. Normal wear and tear, you have to be kidding me….. Would you accept this on a 7 week old car that you purchased new? I think not. Why should I? My wife and I have been loyal Lexus owners since we purchased a new LS400 shortly after they were introduced. My expectation of Lexus was that they made superior vehicles and customer service was second to none. Now I learn that Lexus is just like Tiger Woods and Mark McGwire. They talk the talk, but when it comes time to show integrity and walk the talk Lexus is just as slick and evasive as today’s congress. Very disappointing to learn this as I am just their customer. I am totally mystified why I am being treated in this manner. Obviously I have purchased my last Lexus. Funny, I always thought it was easier and much more profitable to keep a good customer than find a new one. Anyhow, I am getting nowhere. Has anyone else received this bad of service? Any suggestions on what I should do?
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