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Nav Update Sale


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The technology guru at my dealership said Lexus usually offers a half off on new updates when they first come out. Is that true and if so, how do you find them???


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When I got my car last July, the salesperson told me that they would work with me on the Nav update as it was already a year out of date when I got the car. Their special price when they finally made it available at the dealer, a significant time after Lexus made it available, was the quote me a price of $100 for installation. So I shopped around. All the dealers in my area pretty much charge the list price for the update itself, which involve no hardware just the license. The dealer that I got it from Installed it with no labor charge. I had quotes that ranged from $0, to $200 for the labor. It pays to shop around. What a dealer has to do is connect a piece of equipment to your car, enter the license number into the equipment, and  let the equipment download the information into your car.  Actual time the service technician is involved with your car is about 15 minutes.  However many dealers charge labor, based on the amount of time it takes for the equipment to download the information into your car, while a technician is doing something else. What a ripoff! I'm so pleased by the special price my dealer gave me to show his appreciation purchasing the car from them. If I ever purchase another one, it will be from the dealer who gave me the free update, even though I didn't buy the car from them. I should have. The only reason I didn't, was because I had to drive or bridge and it was further away from me. The actual price was the same. We all can't make great decisions all the time.

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