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Buy A New Gs?

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Ok so currently i have the '06 GS300 AWD model without the Navi and Mark Levinson system and i basically have a few questions n concerns for the people out there with the newer models

coz im debating whether or not to get another GS coz this lease is done...

btw, im from Toronto Canada =P not enough GS owners or not enough people who are as active as you guys haha


1. the reception on the radio for my car is absolute garbage...terrible signal

2. wen driving, the car seems to lean right...

3. the phonebook input for the bluetooth either takes forever or incompatible with all my phones haha..

right now those are the three things that are annoying me with this model of the GS and im wonderin if any of that has improved with the newer models...

and if it has..then i'll probably get the GS again but fully loaded this time so i have a few more questions ><

1. hows the Mark Levinson System sound??

2. is the navi actaully useful

3. how much does it cost in the States coz im thinkin of buyin it from there n driving it up back coz u gotta be pretty ballin to buy that car here haha


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The reception on my 08 GS350 is fine, do you have tinted windows?

Sometimes when I brake, the GS pulls right or left, but I think thats due to the raod conditions. My GS does not pull to one side while driving.

The Gen 5 is bluetooth is more compattible.

The Mark Levinson sound a little bit better than OEM. The OEM system sounds real good already. To truely hear the ML's capability, you need to listen to it with a DVD music disc.

The Navi is useful if you have a need for it :)

A fully loaded GS350 AWD with ML is about $53000, some have been able to buy it for $46000.

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My '08 GS has no problems with the radio (I don't have window tinting). The Mark Levinson system is very good but not particularly better than other premium systems for radio and CDs. However, when listening to surround sound DVDs, it will blow you away. The sound is incredible.

After having three cars with navigation systems (one is my GS), I will never again own one without it. It's not so much the direction finding feature, it's more the real-time location-based maps. I've been in traffic jams in strange cities and to get out, I simply looked at my nav screen to find a way around it. I have also discovered new routes to get to places, routes that I didn't know existed. I have found that people who question the value of a nav system have never had a nav system. Once you have one, you'll never go back.

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