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Mark Levinson Problems

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This is a repost of a general question I wrote yesterday in the GS300 forum. I just found out that this audio forum existed and I suspect you all will be better tuned in (no pun intended) to my problem:

Has anyone had any problems with the Mark Levinson system in this car, or another Lexus?

I ponied up some big bucks for the upgraded sound system (as well as Navigation) and the surround sound--even with a CD-- sounds like I have 3 speakers all right in the front... That is.. NO SURROUND EFFECT!

I took it to dealer (full disclosure, only had it two weeks) and they even admitted that sitting in back seat sounded great (I made them do it) and that front didnt sound so good. Thus far, they are only telling me to play with the fade (front to back).

When my wife first heard it, knowing nothing about my concerns, she said "what the heck to you have on, AM stations?"

I am dismayed! Any ideas.

Thanks for any feedback.

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I'm a reporter with a newspaper in New York and am looking for Lexus owners to interview about the ML system. If you're willing to chat, please give me a call at 212-416-4184. Look forward to hearing from you.

This is a repost of a general question I wrote yesterday in the GS300 forum. I just found out that this audio forum existed and I suspect you all will be better tuned in (no pun intended) to my problem:

Has anyone had any problems with the Mark Levinson system in this car, or another Lexus?

I ponied up some big bucks for the upgraded sound system (as well as Navigation) and the surround sound--even with a CD-- sounds like I have 3 speakers all right in the front... That is.. NO SURROUND EFFECT!

I took it to dealer (full disclosure, only had it two weeks) and they even admitted that sitting in back seat sounded great (I made them do it) and that front didnt sound so good. Thus far, they are only telling me to play with the fade (front to back).

When my wife first heard it, knowing nothing about my concerns, she said "what the heck to you have on, AM stations?"

I am dismayed! Any ideas.

Thanks for any feedback.

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