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Posts posted by trez_doz

  1. ok, so i have the right tools and the right chemicals to do the flush BUT i have this one road block.

    the hose connected to the PSF reservoir is stuck and i cannot pull it out. i think through the years, it hasnt been touched and the rubber i think melted into the PSF reservoir hose port. is there any special tool/ technique that i should use to get this hose out? and roughly how long is the hose port of the PSF? thanks for all the info posted!

  2. hi, i just wanted to ask how to remove the headlight assembly because i'm trying to change OEM bulbs to aftermarket bulbs because there's barely any difference at night time driving. And my window makes that screeching sound when i try to put it up and when i put it down, it sometimes stops somewhere in between or right after it opens a little bit up on top. any help or pictures will be very helpful because i've been trying to figure out how but i always get stuck at a dead end.

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