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Posts posted by nwv

  1. We have a 1999 LX 470. The paint issue just started showing up two months ago. Topaz grey also. I took the truck into the dealership and the paint guys there said the same thing repeated here. The paint is failing it isn't the clear coat. The service manager was of no help and said it wasn't Lexus's problem. I talked to customer service at the regiaonal office and they too were of no help. I was told the truck wasn't under warranty, I haven't been a long time Lexus owner and the truck was older. They claimed no other issues such as ours had been reported and that they would not be able to help us.

    This is ridiculous! Our truck looks like crud and it isn't our fault! I have contacted a local news agency to see if they can help. I dind't pay this much for a truck for it too suddenly look like #$#%!!

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