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Posts posted by lbarbish

  1. Thank you so much. I have the roaming signal. It's not covered under the manual

    So I've tried a number of times. It says to clear the old info; hold down the two outside buttons till they blink. Then, hold down the button you want to program for 20 sec. until it blinks. But mine blinks the whole time. Then, keep holding it down while pushing the door opener button until it blinks. But it never quit blinking in the first place. So, needless to say, it doesn't work. Help!

    I had to re-program my LS430. I went to thiw web site and followed their instructions:


    Hey Blake! Yes it is. I got it yesterday. It had an awful and violent vibration at 80 MPH. I put on new tires and it is sooooo smooth. It goes in tomorrow for a timing belt and water pump. The only other fault is the hood shocks are out of gas. I think it is a sweet machine. When I drop this one off at Lexus I will pick up the old '91 which had a new ps pump and timing belt/water pump. They say it needs struts etc on the front end but that the rattling won't bother my son much and won't be critical for safety nor reliability. I will do the front end myslf sometime. I will take some pictures and post them. Take care.

    So I've tried a number of times. It says to clear the old info; hold down the two outside buttons till they blink. Then, hold down the button you want to program for 20 sec. until it blinks. But mine blinks the whole time. Then, keep holding it down while pushing the door opener button until it blinks. But it never quit blinking in the first place. So, needless to say, it doesn't work. Help!
    This wouldn't be Dean's neighbor's '99 would it?!?! :D

  2. So I've tried a number of times. It says to clear the old info; hold down the two outside buttons till they blink. Then, hold down the button you want to program for 20 sec. until it blinks. But mine blinks the whole time. Then, keep holding it down while pushing the door opener button until it blinks. But it never quit blinking in the first place. So, needless to say, it doesn't work. Help!

  3. My '91 has 212,000 miles on it now. The last timing belt was changed at 75,000. So that makes this one 137,000 miles old. I just had it changed two days ago. I sleep better at night, and drive more agressively as well.

    Poll -

    Anyone ever had their timing belt break on any year LS?


    If so, what kind of driver are you? Aggressive, middle of the road or granny Clampet?

    If so, what was your milage etc? give particulars...


  4. Hello: Unless the wires are in bad shape go to Radio Shack get some splices and put each wire where they correspond and you should have no problem, providing the sensor is intact. Disconnet negative power from the car before attempting to fix it. And fix it as long as the cables are color coded like a blue a white a black etc and match them by their colors if not that the case then do not. And do not forget to cover with tape all wires, so none of them is exposed and causes a short in the system, that should be done even if no attempt to splice the wires is done. A short from the ones that are not attached to the senor, the ones in the car harness could damage your computer. Are you getting a check engine light with the issue at hand?

    C. PR

    I have a 1991 LS 400 with 212,000 miles on it. Getting the timing belt and the power steering pump done. (I already got the alternator replaced due to the leak). They say I hit the bottom of the car and crushed the protector over one of the oxygen sensors. The protector clipped the wires off of it. They can't believe the car still runs (and it runs as well as it ever did) but they want too much to fix it in my opinion. What do you think?

    That is the funny part, there is no check engine light. And it runs great. I almost feel like saying "why do anything?" But I won't. I will just reattach the wires and see what happens.

    Thanks. I agree.

    Hello: Unless the wires are in bad shape go to Radio Shack get some splices and put each wire where they correspond and you should have no problem, providing the sensor is intact. Disconnet negative power from the car before attempting to fix it. And fix it as long as the cables are color coded like a blue a white a black etc and match them by their colors if not that the case then do not. And do not forget to cover with tape all wires, so none of them is exposed and causes a short in the system, that should be done even if no attempt to splice the wires is done. A short from the ones that are not attached to the senor, the ones in the car harness could damage your computer. Are you getting a check engine light with the issue at hand?

    C. PR

    I have a 1991 LS 400 with 212,000 miles on it. Getting the timing belt and the power steering pump done. (I already got the alternator replaced due to the leak). They say I hit the bottom of the car and crushed the protector over one of the oxygen sensors. The protector clipped the wires off of it. They can't believe the car still runs (and it runs as well as it ever did) but they want too much to fix it in my opinion. What do you think?

  5. I have a 1991 LS 400 with 212,000 miles on it. Getting the timing belt and the power steering pump done. (I already got the alternator replaced due to the leak). They say I hit the bottom of the car and crushed the protector over one of the oxygen sensors. The protector clipped the wires off of it. They can't believe the car still runs (and it runs as well as it ever did) but they want too much to fix it in my opinion. What do you think?

  6. Blake,

    I purchased a new fuel filter on line about two weeks ago when I bought my stuff to do the wires, distributor cap and rotor and the plugs. I read your post and was a bit dismayed that I would be wasting my time or my money putting it on the car. Well, I had the car in for tire rotation and asked the mechanic what he would charge to stick the filter on for me. He said he would pop it on for free. What a great relief. But to no benefit. 168,000 miles and I can tell no difference with the new filter. Well, I feel better anyway knowing it is clean and unclogged.


  7. I broke the same hose about three weeks ago. I went into lexus and asked them what it was for. The blue thing is a temprature valve that opens the vacuum. It is part of the air emissions equipment. He said it wouldn't bother anything but I should fix it. He said that rather than pay for a new one, to take a small piece of the straw from a WD 40 can and glue it into each of the broken pieces, thereby putting them back together. The smaller diamater will not bother the vacuum he said.

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