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Posts posted by beyda

  1. I have the same problem. 98es300, tried the programming instructions above, even as corrected, and it doesn't work. I have tried every different flavor of these suggested on this and every other website, including the lock/unlock correction above, and even another site where they suggested holding the lock and unlock buttons on the remote together. I have tried the sequence with manual lock button on the door. I have tried it with the power lock button. I went to the dealer, they handed me instructions that are like these but not even as clear, and generic for all years....I have no confidence they are correct. Service mumbled something about maybe a faulty door lock actuator could stop it from working, but they all appear to be working.

    I get the car into "programming mode", in other words, the lock cycles on and off, but when I push the new remote button (any button), nothing happens. If I push an existing remote, the lock cycles on and off.

    I have checked the following

    1)When I try the sequence to find out how many remotes are programed, it cycles on and off twice, so I should be able to add a third (4 is t the limit)

    2) I had the fob checked at the dealer with a tester. They push a button on it and it has a great signal

    3) The battery is new

    Has anyone gotten stuck at this point, and what was the magic answer? Please, only someone who succeeded with the HYQ1512P, the standalone fob, on a 98 ES300. Thanks.

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