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Posts posted by chefjeff

  1. While not what I was hoping to hear, I do appreciate your response. Just today I was at a Lexus dealership in Beverly Hills, and they were "positive" that the 2010 IS was going to have the new generation 6 nav. I left there, feeling really excited---but because of your response, I will temper that excitement WAY down. Probably a good thing!

    Thanks for your response,


  2. Greetings Lexus brethren and sistren...this is my first post and the reason why I joined this forum has to do with mixed signals I am getting from the various Lexus dealers whom I've asked the following question. We are a 2 Lexus family, and spousal unit is about to lease a new 2010 RX350 within the next 2 weeks. This car has a hard drive based navigation system and is called "generation 6" navigation. I will be leasing again in November and I am interested in the Lexus models which will have this new navigation system. I have heard that the new hybrid HS250H will have this type of navigation because it is a brand new model. I was told that only completely new models will have this type of nav. But just last weekend a dealer told me that the 2010 IS sedan will also have this type of nav.

    Anyone out there have a concrete answer? I would so appreciate a response.

    Best wishes,


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