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Posts posted by kaebella

  1. Hi everyone. I need help. I have a 99 RX300. The Track Off and CEL lights are on. Sometimes the lights go off, sometimes just the CEL comes on, but usually it's both. Now, if I start the car and the lights come on, the transmission will not shift beyond 60mph. The RPM revs at 4,000. If I'm driving 60mps(ish) and the warning lights come on then I don't have any issues with the transmission.

    Went to AutoZone for code readout and got P0330 - Knock Sensors.

    Called Lexus and got: Knock Sensors +labor $1150, Wire Harness/Gaskets $150, Platinum Spark Plugs $275. UGH!

    Tried looking at the air filter but didn't see any hose at all. Don't laugh, but should I see this from under the car? Because I only looked around from under the hood - while on my lunchbreak.

    How do I know if the Knock Sensors are truly bad, or if there's a kink in the computer?

  2. Hello all! Newbie to the forum but not to lexus ownership. Can someone kindly explain, or try their best to, what could possibly be making the noise that I'm hearing. When coming to a very slow stop or starting to go in slow reverse, I'm hearing a very faint 'knocking' noise coming from the front end. It comes in either a single or sometimes a couple of 'knock' sounds when the brakes are slowly applied but doesn't happen all of the time. This has just recently started and I am currently at 35000kms, I understand that the brake system is quite advanced and that this could possibly be from the components adjusting but happening inconsistently is making me wonder. I have an aapointment scheudled with the dealer for next Tuesday and hopefully he will be able to hear it when he tests it. But in the mean time, is there anyone that can shed some light on this? :(

    I have the same exact thing. And while I have no good advice, I can tell you that I have a 1999 RX300 with 118k miles on it and i've never had any mechanical issues with the tires/brakes (or much of anything else for that matter). I just live with it, and it seems to work out okay. :)

    If you have a warranty, use it. Hopefully, the dealer will hear it once it's there. Good luck.

  3. My finger is pointing to the part that has to be tightened (i.e., clamped down with vise grips). It should be obvious why sticking toothpicks in there is futile - the clamp's too far in. Make sure the mechanism is in the "up" position before clamping it.


    Worked GREAT!!! Thank you! I didn't even cut the fabric open. I just clamped down with a vise grip in the general area according to your picture. Thank you so much!!! :)

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