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Posts posted by Karch

  1. Any suggestions are appreciated. Code58, if your offer is open, I can pull the panel in about 5 minutes, now that I've done it, and I go to the O.C. pretty often.

    Thank you.

    Karch- Send me (post) an e-mail add. that I can communicate with you at. I tried to PM but it wouldn't let me. I have been out of town for over a week and couldn't respond from the computer that I was using.


    Hi Roger,

    I am in the midst of this thing, as I bought the little motors posted earlier, and I am a bit stuck as I can't get the rod that the door latch moves out of it's holder.

    I just noticed your response (I didn't get/see a response notification for some reason) and I can't pm you.

    My email is n2golf@att.net, and I will be in Irvine tomorrow from 1:00 to about 4:30, as it turns out. I travel up/down 405, so I am nearby if (IF) you have any time.

    I'll keep battling this for now, but if you have time, and I don't get done, I can sure use some assistance.

    Thanks alot!

  2. Hello everyone, i'm a new here and this forum got my attention because i had the same problem...... Have you tried

    :) http://avidlocksmith.com

    Goodluck and hope that could help!

    Are you sure avidlocksmith has anything to do with this problem? I doubt it. Do you own Avidlocksmith? Probably! ;)

    Jeffrey- If they're looking for a straight answer I think they have it. You own a Honda, other than trolling for business why would you be on a Lexus site? ;)

    First time here. I actually have a Toyota Highlander (2003), that just started having trouble with the driver's door lock. Of course, this is 8 days outside of the extended warranty...no kidding!

    The dealer wants about $600 to replace the door lock actuator, if that is in fact the problem. The one door (driver's) doesn't open/close with either the key fob or power switch, though all the others work fine (for now?).

    I have read that I could replace the motor with a generic one. I tried to find the one listed on ebay but to no avail, though I did write the seller. I live not far from All Electronics, so I could by a motor there, or even an actuator, but is it fairly straightforward?

    I am not new at modifying things, I am a car guy (this is the wife's car), but it's hard to see in there, though there is much more room than other doors I've worked in.

    Any suggestions are appreciated. Code58, if your offer is open, I will gladly pay you for your time. I can pull the panel in about 5 minutes, now that I've done it, and I go to the O.C. pretty often.

    Thank you.

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