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Posts posted by Dave-O

  1. Bob, thank you so much for your post. You just saved me $500.

    I'm not very handy and I usually have very bad luck with do-it-yourself projects, but this one worked like a charm.

    Although I couldn't see any tears in the paper part of the speaker, I went ahead and applied glue to the margin between the paper and the foam rubber. No luck. Then, I glued the outermost space between the foam rubber and the metal housing and it worked!

    I admit I made a mess of the glue with stringy masses of glue everywhere. But, no matter. My subwoofer is back to life and working perfectly.

    To those of you who are do-it-yourself challenged: If I can do this anyone can.

  2. Bob,

    thanks so much! This worked like a charm. I got a glue gun from Michaels arts & crafts and went to work. I played music with

    bass so I could see the tear. I could not see it by a visual inspection at first. I have pictures and a quicktime movie of the process if anyone wants me to email them. Now my sub is fixed and sounds great!

    The repair took me about 20 minutes and works.

    If you still have the pics and movie, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Dave Stuart

    Westlake Village, CA


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