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Posts posted by hybridsuvguy

  1. I removed the factory radio temporarily to try to locate and unplug the satellite radio (still not sure which plug it is) and now the display won't turn on, the car won't start, and it's acting really strange. I faintly remember something similar happening with my Solara overnight when I was doing something with it's radio.

    Is this normal? Security thing? How long should I wait before calling for help? Any ideas at all? I'm freaking out here!

    EDIT: It looks like the battery is too drained down. Called AAA. They should be here soon.

    I just got the car today, but they've been doing detailing and minor repair work for the last 2 days on the car and I was working on it with the doors open, so the battery finally just dropped too low to start. It's the hybrid, so the alternator doesn't run full time.

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