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Posts posted by gabort

  1. This is a question I have been trying to solve for a couple of months now, only the other way... I have a US model in Europe. I can not understand why Lexus will not do it... In fact, I can't see why it is not a simple setting...

    Apparently, there is a hack out there somewhere, since Russians are reported to have been able to change it via a hack interface. If so, I would like to get their tel. number too...

    It is high time, Lexus stopped being an !Removed! about this, and offered to do the change themselves!!!

  2. Hi Everyone,

    I have had a 1999 RX-300 for a few weeks now, and am generally very happy with the vehicle. :wub:

    The vehicle was imported to Hungary in '99, when there was still no Lexus dealership yet, but has been run and serviced here in the since established Lexus dealership. The question I have may sound somewhat exotic to US Lexus owners, but I am sure, it is also interesting stuff...

    The center console's computer displays consumption in MPG, and average speed in MPH. The manual that came with the vehicle however, lists both MPG and l/100Km (liters per 100 Kilometers) and Km/h as alternative units. I am relatively sure, that the LCD also has these units right next to those currently used.

    The manual makes no mention of how to convert between SI and US units. I refuse to believe, that Lexus built two sets of computers, since this is hardly economical, but the Lexus dealer here has not been able to obtain the codes necessary to make the change. :pirate:

    I have seen a post on CBEST codes here on the sight. Could someone, perhaps a Lexus technician or an enthusiast direct me in the right direction? My hunch is, that the change can be made through the service interface somehow, using the right tools.

    If you give me a hint, I'll post my modifications of the vehicle up here, for all to see. I have installed a nice MP3 system with a 160GB HDD in the trunk, and a sattelite display in the front... It is a great extra and I would recommend it to all!


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