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Posts posted by gcnmah1

  1. Unfortunately, yet also fortunately, my run flats finally needed replacing. I had been reading the tire related postings for months and perusing the tire company info online about the possible tire options. My old Bridgestone Potenza (I think) run flats lasted about 23,000 bone-shattering, teeth gritting, headache-inducing miles. I chose the Michelin Pilot Sport A/S Plus tires as replacements from Discount Tire. They were in the upper price range at about about $350/tire installed with new everything and a 45K mile warranty. Discount Tire was familiar with the installation process for the SC model. The transformation in the quality and smoothness of the ride has been unbelieveable. To me, this change has made an good car now nearly perfect. I'm sorry I waited so long, but wanted to get every centimeter of wear from those expensive run flats before changing. But what a difference these tires have made.

    Thanks for your info. I intend to follow your example when my run flats need replacement. I was at Costco today, and their price for the Michelin Pilot Sport AS+ is $269.99. This includes mounting, balancing, and rotation for the life of the tire.

    I checked with Costco and they gave me a bit of a hard time about replacing run-flats with non-run flats without a spare. I don't have a spare, so am at the mercy of the road and would have to call AAA with a flat. Some folks say they are carrying the tire-seal product, but I believe the Discount Tire warranty is voided is the premature flat is "fixed" with a tire seal product. Anyway, all food for thought.

    I replaced my run flats 3 years ago and ran 45,000 pleasurable miles with a can of fix-a-flat and an electric powered air pump in the spare tire well. Never needed to use them. I just replaced those tires last week with another set of non-run flat tires. Couldn't get me back into run flats for anything. Porsche does not equip their cars with run flats or spares. Just an air pump.

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