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Posts posted by Draw007

  1. $2500.00...??

    To justify that you must spent one helluva lot of time listening to that system just setting inside your RX closed up inside the garage with the engine off.

    Otherwise the typical 70Db road noise, "white" noise, "over-shadows" the lower level "sounds" so much that you must have the volume up in the painful to the ears range for the "high" sequences.

    The best investment to improve the automotive audio "listening" experience is via more sound proofing, noise reduction. Undercoating the wheelwell liners, nice quiet higher profile 16-17" summer tires, fiberglass insulation in the doors, coat of silicone lub on the rubber window seals, etc, and maybe even an "anti-noise, noise canceling, module under the driver's seat.

    And it wouldn't hurt to add some DSP, Digital Signal Processing, to automatically bring the "low" musical sequences up to, or even above, the level of the cabin ambient NOISE.

    Having done all of that you'd likely be pleasantly surprised at just how well the factory system sounds.

    Actually, $2500 is not a lot to spend to upgrade a sound system, especially when one considers what OEMs offer for comparable performance. I did a full separate install in my GTI and it blows away every OEM system I have yet to hear - albeit my cargo capacity has diminished to 1.0' cf... Nonetheless, a recent RX330 acquisition has me pondering alternatives to its stock system... :D

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