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Posts posted by SeattleSC

  1. :huh: basically cant really reply to that ...lmao... but congrats on the second chance... I have a old out board motor for a bass boat that hasnt ran in years...I will be purchasing a large can of WD-40 for it shortly...lmao... let us know if it helps the gas mileage any..thanks :P and again.. congrats on the ride.

    hahaha so basically you just showered the entire engine with WD-40 and it made it good as new? hahah my sc400 has the flu right now too iv been told it needs an EGR valve so its running disgustingly awful right now...ill just shower some WD in there and see whats up.

    Funny, my 92 SC400 was making terrible noises when I turned the wheels or went over speed bumps.. Doused the bushings and undercarraige with WD-40 and she's like new! WD-40 is everything good with the world! B)

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